Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm a Runner?!

Believe it or not, friends, I am signed up to do this:

I'm doing it in September....which means I have plenty of time for training and NO time to procrastinate! I'm actually the runner in a relay team so lest you think I'm really superhuman...I'm doing a third of the tri! HA! But I just like to say I'm TRAINING for a TRIATHLON and let everyone come to their own conclusions! Tee hee....

So I'm back to reading this book:

It is an excellent reference book for any runner, new or old. I used it a few years ago when I ran my first 5K and it was a great reference for all things running related. Helped me to prevent injuries and to deal with the inevitable soreness and shin issues.

So here I am friends....coming out of the closet! I'm running this Triathlon and hopefully, another 5K or two before Christmas. Nothing like signing up and paying a few entry fees to make a person get off their proverbial duff and get MOVING! I'll keep you up to date on my progress!

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