Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It works for me....


It's what Works For Me.

I'm happy to get back in on a WFMW post with friends over at We Are That Family.

Because we too, are one of THOSE families.

And what works for me is prayer. Prayer every. single. day. Sometimes more than once a day.

I've often really wondered about people that have no faith in Christ. Those that are not believers. It is beyond me. I don't ever remember not having faith. Not having a relationship with Christ. Not being a believer in Him, His Kingdom, His Word. I don't criticize those that aren't believers. I just simply don't understand it.

This week, because we are ONE of THOSE families, I've been challenged to stand faithful and strong. Challenged to lean on Him more. Through some of life's everyday happenings, I lean on Him. And through those not-so-everyday happenings, I lean on Him.

Prayer works. One of my favorite quotes is here on my blog. "I pray because I doesn't change God. It changes me." I got it out of a movie called Shadowlands, when Anthony Hopkins portrayed C.S. Lewis. Mr. Lewis had just lost his beloved wife and was grieving terribly. His friends were trying to console him. He could not be easily consoled. If you have not seen this movie or read any works by C.S. Lewis, I would highly recommend it. His writings were and are, phenomenal. The movie was fantastic. His writings have deepened my faith and helped me explore areas of my Christianity that I had not yet looked at.

So try it. Prayer that is. It works. For me.

Join everyone else on over at We Are THAT Family to find out what else works!!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I am a living testament that prayer works! And it isn't so much as just saying a prayer and moving on, as it is me connecting with the love of my life. Spending time praising and thanking Him for His love and grace, that I don't deserve, and lifting up prayers for other as well as my own concerns.

I absolutely love those times when I am so deep in prayer that I get lost in God's whispers back to me. When I experience a dry time, where I can't seem to find the words to pray, I know the Holy Spirit intercedes for me and makes my prayer a pleasing song.

My heart completely breaks for those who not know the sweet saving grace and love of the true Living God. But I will share Jesus whenever and where ever I can and maybe some will receive the message before it is too late.