Thursday, September 3, 2009

Labor Day?!

Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer (isn't that a great name for a blog?!! LOVE IT!) is hosting a Labor Day party, of sorts.

How about telling us a little about your labor? You know...the MOST IMPORTANT KIND OF LABOR you've EVER done!??!

Here's mine:

How long were your labors?

Big Boy: Extremely active all day since we were in the midst of a hurricane of sorts. I walked and walked and walked all day to see if I could speed things along and of course, nothing. So I tried to sleep. Slept for about 2 hours before I rolled over in bed and splash! Water broke! Off we went to the hospital. From there, four hours of nothing, 14 hours of chemically induced mind-blowing contractions, finally consenting to an epidural and na-da. zilch. zippo. No progress. 18 hours later, we finally consented to a c-section because, despite being maxed out on the chemical that induces the contractions, my body had no clue how to actually give birth and not a single centimeter of dilation had occurred. So, 18 hours of pain for NOTHING!

Little Guy: Gave him until 3 days prior to his due date to give me an indication he was coming. He didn't. So we opted for a second, repeat c-section. No labor. Yee-haw!

How did you know you were in labor?

Big Boy: I thought I was. Evidently not. It really stunk!

Little Guy: Never was. That second c-section, planned. Wow, it was amazingly simple.

Where did you deliver?

At the hospital. I would have preferred a birthing clinic but SH thought we'd stopped delivering babies "out in the wild" in this country. He would have none of it!


Many, obviously. And gratefully!


Yes, both.

Who delivered?

This really amazingly talented and wonderful physician whom I dearly respect. I felt completely cared for.

How about you? What is your labor story?


Laura said...

Thanks for sharing your birthing stories!

Audra Michelle said...

What a great story! I love the pictures of your boys - very sweet!