Monday, June 29, 2009

Hooked on LEARNING!

I found this little beauty on sale at one of my fav stores, Bealls Outlet. Oh how I love Thee Bealls!!

The boys LUV their Learning To Count program!! Me personally? I can count to 20 in every way imaginable with no help from anyone!?!! We're learning how to count up, count backwards, count by 2's, count by 10's and getting more musical every day! There are games, math worksheets, songs, stickers and posters included. It also includes a great little parent's guide for those of us who lack creativity of use! Big Boy has been really enjoying the CD and number recognition on the computer. I don't endorse a lot of products per se (maybe that is why no major company is clammoring at my door with free products....hmmm? time to 'ho myself out maybe?!) I would really recommend this product and honestly, we have the Hooked on Phonics as well and they love that too!! It will certainly be part of our homeschool curriculum starting in August.

1 comment:

Janna said...

Hi! Came over from WFMW. We follow a lot of the same blogs.

We are both Christians too. God bless you!

And yes Math is fun-spoken from a former elem. math teacher:)