Monday, August 24, 2009

13 days n' countin'....

Remember that day I told you I was running in a triathlon?

I still am.

In 13 days!

I'm getting a bit nervous. Still training for it. Today went quite well. 2.3 miles on the treadmill and it FELT FANTASTIC!

I've followed the directions in the book that I told you about in the last post, The Complete Guide to Running. It really doesn't stir you in the wrong direction. It has some fantastic information.

Like stretching. Really helps a lot! Especially those tender little calves.

And hydration. Helps MORE THAN A LOT! It is a quite long and painful workout when you have no reserve.

So I'm keeping it up and working toward my goal.

What is my goal for the race, you ask?

Breathing and still upright. THAT would be good!!


Samantha said...

Good luck on your race, I am sure you will do great !!

SnoWhite said...

awesome! What a great way to stay in shape while having fun. I'd opt for the swimming part -- I'm impressed at anyone who can run :)

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